Friday, 18 December 2015

Beginning of my very long fight for justice, now.

Fight For Justice, Not Really The 'Beginning' Of A Long Fight Started Long Time Ago.
   Hello. Whosoever is reading this, Hi!
   I received an email a month ago informing me that "The hearing of the Second Appeal, filed under Section 19(3) of RTI Act 2005, in the above matter will be held in the Court of Hon’ble Information Commissioner Shri Yashovardhan Azad in the Court Room No.-329 at 10:30 A.M. on December 23, 2015. "
   Now for reference to this you will need to go through the communications that were made to the Medical Council Of India by myself and which were also uploaded on the Blogger web address which you may access by clicking here. You can memorise the address 'www dot KindAttentionMCI dot blogspot dot com'. It is not case sensitive.
   So it is Dec. 23 then. I will be looking for support from folks, not financial, just the presence of upright citizens and honest people who can make it to the CIC Office on the date. I have to go about it alone, you see, and the Brigadier is a monstrous rascal who has and who is a part of a very very aggressive and powerful group of mischief makers and criminals. The MCI (Medical Council Of India) is hand-in-glove with the mafia because they have not responded, and their responses, whatever little bit, and which shall appear on a Facebook Page which you can access from here, shall prove to the people beyond doubt that they are all trying to shield this Brigadier and his ilk. If you wish to copy paste the Facebook Web Address, then it is here - "". You may alternatively memorise the following: "" - it goes to the Facebook Page.
   I want the people of India, nay, the people of the world (whoever can make it), to congregate in the court room (I have not gone overboard when I suggest that) and see for themselves the beginning of proceedings as I fight for my Life, as I fight for my Personal or/and Physical Security, as I fight for Justice. It may go really long, but this was thrust upon me. I am very tired. I am very very tired. But I must fight. I must fight. And I can promise you that there will be mischief makers from this organised crime set up, and they will come up with some tricks, and 'one of the tricks' certainly will be that they will try to prevent me from reaching the Court Room, they will make arrangements to take me somewhere else! I can guarantee you that these attempts shall be made.
   Actually, I want all to see how the organised criminals get away, how they actually land the victim in more trouble, and I don't want them to get away, and yes, I seek protection too, so I seek audience of who all can make it. Media should make it. I hope the media supports me. The media should support me. This is probably going to get very long. I have mentioned that this is the beginning. It's not without reason. You follow this case, you'll know. I will certainly welcome the physical meeting of good human beings with myself at my place, just for a cup of chai, :-) , or we can meet somewhere in Delhi. I am a Delhiite. I look forward to warmth and hope and power behind my back.
   That's my no., without the hyphens: 0-9-7-1-6-0-8-2-6-5-0 .
   Man, did I not just make a request?! It seems I did. Whew... :-)

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Happy Diwali. Happy, Auspicious Deepaawalee To All!

Happy, Prosperous, Auspicious Diwali To All!
   Here's Wishing Happy Diwali To Everybody! Let there be Glory, Power, Energy, Radiance, Wealth, Holiness, Auspiciousness, Prosperity, Prestige, Fame, Health, Victory. . . . . For me, ... And For You, People Of The World.

   This image has been posted by me earlier. I post it again. You can download it for free and take a printout, use it, do whatever with it. If you care, you may provide attribution that it was obtained from the Blogspot of Sandeep Vij with blogger address at 'sandeepvij after the www. and before the'. If you don't provide attribution, I won't know! ! I'm really not going around checking, y'know!
   Anyway, I also provide the link to fetch the html of the same. You may visit my Facebook Wall Post to fetch it. I have mentioned earlier that this was prepared by myself in Word Document. So this html has been sourced from the Script Editor of Microsoft Word Document after assiduously preparing this Image, Symbol, by juggling around with boxes, yes BOXES, in WORD. You may insert the html in your html editor (whatever you have) and see the results. I don't know what will emerge. But it should be an interesting exercise.
   The html is not here because I still have to learn how to insert the html in a Blogspot Post without allowing or letting or permitting Blogger to interpret the html right there. Funny actually. You can 'compose' and then you can also insert html in 'html' section, fine. But when you insert the html in 'Compose', the html is not supposed to be 'interpreted' right there, for, for it to be interpreted, the user or publisher or the owner would simply insert the html in the 'html' section. Anyway, this is the link to be copied pasted in your browser's address bar to hit enter at and then reach the page from where you may fetch the html - . That's my Facebook Wall Post. And html doesn't get interpreted in Facebook Wall.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Swastika - Auspicious Sign, Symbol Of The Aryan Race

Swastika - Auspicious Symbol, Good Sign.
Swastika, auspiciousness, goodness! This was prepared in Microsoft Word Document by myself as I was fiddling around with my Machine and Microsoft Word. A web page was created after this and then an image was made thereafter. What you see is the image. If anybody needs the html of this, just ask for it, and I shall provide that here itself, for free.
You can then check how it appears in your software! Exciting.

Swastika, the Symbol or Sign of Auspiciousness, prepared in Word Document, saved as a webpage, and then an image made of. Aryan Race.
Swastika - The Symbol Of Auspiciousness
I am all yours for your auspiciousness. You may use this image for free, but I would expect that you provide attribution - that it was generated, created by Sandeep Vij Loafer at
Loafing on Computer!
Thank You.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Talent vis-a-vis Professional And Monetary Success in India

Talent And Success Chart.
Talent vis-a-vis Professional And Monetary Success in India.

Imagine a Chart where your talent is measured (goes up as increases) in the left vertical (y-axis), and your professional success and monetary success is measured (goes towards the right as increases) in the bottom horizontal (x-axis). Now start from 0,0. Imagine a person with some talent, so where would his Success be on this Chart? Imagine another person more talented, where would his success be on this Chart? Ordinarily, you will make a 45 degree line towards the top right as you join all these points, am I right?, am I understood? Now somewhere in the world, the angle may be 60 degrees to the horizontal, and that means that that country gives due regard to talent, is appreciative. In some places, it may be 30 degrees, that means that it gives regard but it is difficult but then it is ok. In fact it will have an industrious people. It's linear. And that is fine.
But somewhere in the world, it is going to be like this, and pay attention here >> it will climb up (45 degrees or not 45 degrees) and then it will reach a crescendo, and then it will move horizontal probably roughly, and then actually start to dip downwards! You get it? Now, this crescendo will be reached very early in India in the Chart, meaning that you would not have travelled much towards the right when the crescendo or the crest happened (whatever the magnitude of the crest itself is). And then it will start to dip, sharply or considerably. This is because talent is not celebrated in India. THEY WILL FRAME YOU, THEY WILL FRAME YOU BAD. SLANDER, MUDSLINGING, CHARACTER ASSASSINATION, and what not. Mediocrity prevails everywhere, and I am not whining. There are dumb asses everywhere.

Talent And Success Chart
India's arc is in blue. The better country is in red arc, and the still better country's arc is yellow. This graphical display is my own creation. The opinion above is completely mine. I stand by it.
Chart was prepared in AutoCAD and then an image made of it (30 minutes).
Refer a Facebook Post at which led to this preparation or inspired this chart.
Life is not a piece of logic in this country. Mera Bharat Mahaan is only a thothaa chanaa baaje ghanaa rant. Bharat does not exist.