Happy, Prosperous, Auspicious Diwali To All!
Here's Wishing Happy Diwali To Everybody! Let there be Glory, Power, Energy, Radiance, Wealth, Holiness, Auspiciousness, Prosperity, Prestige, Fame, Health, Victory. . . . . For me, ... And For You, People Of The World.
This image has been posted by me earlier. I post it again. You can download it for free and take a printout, use it, do whatever with it. If you care, you may provide attribution that it was obtained from the Blogspot of Sandeep Vij with blogger address at 'sandeepvij after the www. and before the blogspot.com'. If you don't provide attribution, I won't know! ! I'm really not going around checking, y'know!
Anyway, I also provide the link to fetch the html of the same. You may visit my Facebook Wall Post to fetch it. I have mentioned earlier that this was prepared by myself in Word Document. So this html has been sourced from the Script Editor of Microsoft Word Document after assiduously preparing this Image, Symbol, by juggling around with boxes, yes BOXES, in WORD. You may insert the html in your html editor (whatever you have) and see the results. I don't know what will emerge. But it should be an interesting exercise.
The html is not here because I still have to learn how to insert the html in a Blogspot Post without allowing or letting or permitting Blogger to interpret the html right there. Funny actually. You can 'compose' and then you can also insert html in 'html' section, fine. But when you insert the html in 'Compose', the html is not supposed to be 'interpreted' right there, for, for it to be interpreted, the user or publisher or the owner would simply insert the html in the 'html' section. Anyway, this is the link to be copied pasted in your browser's address bar to hit enter at and then reach the page from where you may fetch the html - http://www.facebook.com/sandyvij/posts/10206796469963915 . That's my Facebook Wall Post. And html doesn't get interpreted in Facebook Wall.